SHLTR Sessions is an ongoing series that profiles independent artists, craftspeople and creators across all different mediums, highlighting the unique projects they create and how you can improve your DIY skills at home.
Name: Meah Pace | The Lifted Home
City: New York, NY
Specialty: Home Décor & Organization
When did you start sharing your projects on social media?
I started posting my organizing projects on Instagram during the Covid lockdown period of 2020. In addition to my organizing business, I’m a pretty accomplished singer/songwriter/recording artist, but I was not performing or touring at all, and I needed a creative outlet for my own sanity and happiness. I turned to home decor and organization, which I had always been passionate about, to make my time at home a bit more beautiful!
I also wanted to encourage others to use organizing and home décor to find peace and joy in their own homes during such a dark and lonely time, so I created my Instagram @theliftedhome and it was well received!
What was your very first project?
My first project was the linen closet at my parent’s house. I enjoyed it so much I hunted around the house for more projects.
How do you prepare for a project?
I always prepare for a project by taking pictures and video of the space, gathering inspiration from the internet and my own previous projects, interviewing the client to see what their dreams for the space are, and drawing a mock-up of my ideas.
What are your favorite organization brands?
My first stop for products is always The Container Store. I can always find my favorite brands like The Home Edit, iDesign and OXO. If you want to shop the products I use, you can follow me on LTK!
What advice can you give to someone who is organizing a room in their house and feeling overwhelmed?
Take it one space at a time! Start with a small space like a drawer or a bookshelf and complete the task before moving on to the next project. If you still need help, hire a professional organizer!

Do you want to be featured in SHLTR Sessions? We are always looking to highlight new artists and exciting projects. Drop us an email at for more information.