First time hosting for the holidays? Don’t let it get the best of you. You can create a memorable and entertaining holiday with some advance planning and the right mindset.
Create the Right Mindset
Like so many things in life, it starts with the right mindset. Just because it’s your first time hosting, doesn’t mean you have to take on anxiety, high expectations, and comparison. Tuning into why you’re hosting is the first step to creating a good outcome. You’ll be spending time with those you love and care about; you’ll be making memories and creating lasting traditions. Keep these thoughts at the forefront of your experience and it will matter less if things aren’t perfect. Some of the best memories can result from mishaps or unexpected moments.
Priority Cleaning
Now is not the time to give your house the dream clean. There’s too much going on. Prioritize areas in your home that will get the most use, like the bathroom and the kitchen. If guests
are sleeping over, ready the room with clean bedding and an extra blanket. Run the vacuum or sweep floors, and do a light dusting in this space so they feel comfortable.
Make Guests Feel Welcome
Instead of worrying about making your space look perfect, focus on special touches like new bath towels in the bathroom, a flower bouquet, or a nice houseplant. Put a little tray on the guest bed with a couple of bottled waters, granola bars, and a handwritten note welcoming them into your home.
Keep Meal Prep Simple
Cooking and serving food for the holidays can feel like a heavy lift. But if you’re strategic about what you’re serving and when you prepare it, the load can feel lighter. Choose your menu based on foods you are comfortable cooking and focus on crowd-pleasers and big-batch cooking. Individual servings of foods are too time-consuming.
Make Your House Smell Nice
Real estate agents have the right idea when they burn nice candles or bake a dozen cookies during an open house. Candles, essential oil diffusers, and stovetop simmer pots are your friends when welcoming guests.
Borrow Extra Essentials
If you’re serving food for a crowd and need extra seating, borrow a fold-up table and chairs from friends or neighbors. The same goes for extra serving pieces like plates, glasses, and utensils.
Delegate, Delegate, Delegate
When it comes to prepping, don’t forget to ask for help. Ask a few friends, your partner, or family members to help you set up or prep food in advance. It’s also ok to share the load when it comes to preparing the meal. Ask guests to bring an appetizer, a side dish, or dessert. You can focus on the main dish and know the rest will be handled.